
PARTNER WEBINAR: They’re Coming for Our Kids

How the Right’s Attacks on Trans & Gender Expansive Youth Erode our Democracy and Threaten Us All.

July 21 12-1:30 pm ET

This year, a historic number of bills attacking the rights of trans youth are sweeping the U.S. In particular Southern states, where they are a part of a larger regressive and racialized policy push that includes voter suppression and heightened policing.

This legislation focuses on barring trans youth from participating in sports teams, using bathrooms, and accessing critical gender affirming health care. Trans youth have been organizing to protect their rights alongside trans adults, with little outside support.

It is critical that the broader social justice community step up to block these bills — it’s the right thing to do. We must not play into the Right’s strategy of divide and conquer by using trans rights as a wedge issue.

Join us on July 21 for an update on what is occurring and concrete examples of what movement leaders, organizations, and funders — people like yourself — can do to support.