
Making a Difference in the Graying of HIV and AIDS

This webinar provided an overview of the changing face of HIV and aging, including how HIV manifests among older adults, with a particular emphasis on its impact on diverse racial, ethnic, and geographical communities across the country.

It explored how funders and their community partners are already making a difference in this space, including what interventions have been most effective in addressing health disparities and what additional strategies are needed to improve outcomes for older people affected by HIV.
The webinar delved into how these issues play out at the federal policy level, tying policy change back to the lived experiences of older people and the most effective”on the ground” interventions in communities across the country.

This webinar was co-sponsored by: Services & Advocacy for GLBT EldersGrantmakers in Aging, FCAA, Funders for LGBTQ Issues and Grantmakers In Health

Listen to the recording HERE.

Read “What does HIV look like in our diverse elder communities” from the Diverse Elders Coalition

Read “As people with HIV become elders, funding and policies can change to address their needs,” on the