
FCAA in Munich: Global Trans Conference & AIDS2024 (July)

FCAA will be participating in and hosting a number of events in Munich in July as part of the International AIDS Conference (AIDS2024) and the Global Trans Conference.

To review the full AIDS2024 progromme, please visit the conference site.

We will be updating this event hub with more information and resources in the coming weeks. Questions? Please contact [email protected].

(AIDS2024 Satellite) Fixing Your Finances: Improving Resourcing to End AIDS in Children

With the Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS

When:  Monday, July 22 from 11:30-12:30

Location: Room 14b / channel 3

Programme Link:

If you are a funder, policy maker, government representative, technical adviser, implementer or community advocate, this satellite will leave you better informed of investment gaps and opportunities for children and adolescents. Now, more than ever, it is important to know that money is being allocated wisely. To be sure of value for money, that policies and commitments are being acted upon and to spot where investment opportunities remain. This satellite will preview new evidence on what is being spent, where, on what kinds of interventions, to what effect and what the gaps are. We will discuss government and donor funding in the priority countries of the Global Alliance to End AIDS in Children; private philanthropy; and the return on investment for “accelerator interventions” that achieve multiple outcomes simultaneously. Thank you to our satellite sponsor, ViiV Healthcare Positive Action.

FCAA’s Program & Research Manager Cat Gironda will participate to feature new FCAA data. 

Global Fund and FCAA: Closing Civic Space and the Future of the Response to AIDS (Invitation only round table)

This invite-only roundtable, convened by Funders Concerned about AIDS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, will bring together communities, civil society, and the private sector to discuss practical solutions to counter this trend. The goal is to develop a playbook that outlines concrete and collaborative actions that we can take together to push back against harmful narratives, sustain and expand civic space, increase respect for human rights, and strengthen the HIV response.

When: Monday, July 22 from 15:30 to 17:30

Location is provided to those who are accepted to attend.

(AIDS2024 Symposium) Equity in Focus: Tackling Inequalities

When:  Tuesday, July 23 from 15:00-16:00

Location:Room 13a/Channel 6

Programme Link: 

Inequality, discrimination and poverty continue to drive the HIV pandemic and present the greatest barrier to ending HIV as a public health threat. Community-led organizations are at the forefront of the struggle for equity. This session will outline the growing challenges of: criminalization of key populations, stigma and discrimination; the challenges of first responses (including medical torture, loss of dignity and forced testing); the position of women with regards to marriage, access to treatment, prevention of vertical transmission and sex work; gender inequality and gender-based violence; access to information on health rights; and access to testing and treatment. The session will also highlight the vital role of community-led organizations in addressing these challenges.

FCAA Executive Director Masen Davis will present an intervention on: Unravelling the impact of anti-rights movements on the HIV response: A deep dive.

The Biennial Global Donor Reception at AIDS2024

Please join FCAA, Aidsfonds, CIFF and Sidaction for this special invite-only reception to share ideas, strategize partnerships, and strengthen our HIV response in this political moment.

When: Tuesday, July 23 from 17:00  to 19:00

Location is provided to those who are accepted to attend.

(AIDS2024 Workshop) Decolonizing HIV funding: Unlocking equitable resources for community-led organizations

When:  Thursday, July 24 from 14:30 – 16:30

Location:Room 14c/Channel 10

Programme Link:

HIV funding, like philanthropy and development assistance more broadly, is rooted in histories of colonialism that perpetuate racism and put decision-making power in the hands of those who have benefited most from colonialism and capitalism. The status quo of funding prevents communities from breaking out of short-term, project-based strategies for leading the HIV response. This workshop will explore methods to unlock equitable funding for community-led organizations through concrete changes to private, public and multilateral funding. The session seeks to build on a global, community-led call for a paradigm shift in the way funds are distributed and received.

FCAA Executive Director Masen Davis to faciliate. This session was created in partnership with the Stephen Lewis Foundation and UHAI.