Alexis Wilson Briggs

Alexis has served as Interim Coordinator of Red Umbrella Fund since August 2023. She joined the Fund in 2019.

Alexis is a former sex worker, a prison abolitionist, and a queer feminist. Compelled by her sex work experience and the over-policing and incarceration of her communities, she has spent over twenty years seeking to abolish prisons and end enforcement of vice and poverty-based crimes through community activism and allying with non-profits within the criminal justice and drug policy sectors. In the last five years Alexis has worked within philanthropy at the intersection of feminism, sex work, LGBTQAI+, harm reduction, and digital security.

Prior to her work in philanthropy, she served as a criminal defence attorney in private practice for nearly ten years. During that time she provided pro bono mass defence for Occupy Wall Street protestors throughout Northern California. Alexis also served as a legal expert on drug policy for non-profits including International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research, and Service (ICEERS); Katal Center for Health, Equity, and Justice; National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) and NORML Women’s Alliance (NWA); and Drug Policy Alliance (DPA).

She is co-founder and core organiser of, an Amsterdam based sex worker film and arts festival, and serves on the Steering Committee of Sex Work Donor Collaborative as well as the Legal Defence Committee of ICEERS.