The Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) Initiative is a ten-year federal program focused on the 57 communities (“jurisdictions”) most affected by HIV. Recent FCAA data shows that less than a quarter of HIV-related philanthropy disbursed in the United States reaches organizations based in these locations, with the vast majority of that funding (74%) going to the top 10 jursidictions. The remaining 47 localities receive only 2% or less.
While this is a federally-funded program, philanthropy can and should play an important role in supporting the communities doing work on the ground. Philanthropy is also crucial to supporting advocacy efforts to leverage public funding dollars.
FCAA is working to unpack this data to help highlight connections and opportunities to grow the philanthropic response in these jurisdictions.
This work includes:
Partnering with AIDSVu. In an effort to bring new attention to the importance of this data, FCAA collaborated with AIDSVu, an interactive online mapping tool that visualizes the impact of the HIV epidemic on communities across the U.S. Now, on the AIDSVu website, individual profiles of specific EHE jurisdictions – including HIV prevalence, PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) use, transmission demographic data, and much more – is available alongside FCAA’s data on philanthropic funding.
Producing a series of one page data case studies. Each will focus on a select jurisdiction – including those from the top 10 as well as those from less resourced areas – to bring the data into focus. Current case studies are provided below and more are in development.
Telling the story of the work taking place behind the numbers. Working with journalist Stephen Hicks, we want to connect with stakeholders in these jurisdictions and, through their voices – underscored with this powerful data – enable funders to better see the role they play in ending HIV in the U.S. This includes funders who are more locally and regionally focused, as well as those who may not identify as HIV funders but who are working in ways that intersect with the HIV response.
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jursidiction spotlights
Below you will find links to a data spotlight and narrative for each profiled jursidictions. In the coming weeks and months, FCAA plans to feature work taking place in Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia and Indiana.

Narrative: Cultivating Community in Cuyahoga County

Narrative: The Body.com: An All-Hands-on-Deck Event in Tennesse